Explore the Secrets of the Paranormal in:

by Kenneth W. Behrendt

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Find Answers to the UFO Mystery in:

by Kenneth W. Behrendt

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by Kenneth W. Behrendt

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Finally Answers that Make Sense:

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Attracting and Detecting UFOs

by Kenneth W. Behrendt

One of the major problems with the field of ufology is that the phenomenon it studies tends to be random in its occurrence. Unlike the paranormal which can, more or less, consistently manifest in a certain dwelling or with a particular individual, UFOs can appear almost anywhere at anytime to anybody. Usually, the human witnesses of these elusive vehicles are unprepared for the encounter and, as a result, no instrumental observations are made. All that the researcher has to work with is an anecdotal report.

Anecdotal reports, however, are not without their value. Although all such reports must be considered to have inaccuracies in their contents which diminish their INDIVIDUAL value, en masse they can reliably describe the phenomenon and allow valid statistical conclusions to be drawn about it. This is somewhat akin to deriving the odds of various dice combintions being drawn by observing a thousand dice throws as opposed to only a dozen. Most of the conclusions that I eventually derived concerning UFOs came from studying THOUSANDS of individual cases rather than only a few dozen.

One thing that could greatly enhance progress in the subject of ufology would be if it was somehow possible for humans to determine the time and place of a UFO encounter...or, at least its location. While this might seem like an impossibility, I have, after giving the matter some consideration, concluded that it just might be possible. If it is possible, then the researcher could be prepared to make instrumental observations of the UFOs that arrived and this would be of great value in furthering understanding of their true nature.

So, in this brief article, I want to outline what possible methods that a ufologist might consider employing that could attract or lure UFOs to a particular area. There the craft would either hover or even land during which time the ufologist could make instrumental recordings of their presence. Once some methods of luring these shy visitors have been covered, a simple method will also be given for building a device that can detect their proximity.

Before I describe the methods and device above, however, I want to relate a incident that happened in my own locale about twenty years ago which was never reported to the authorities, but which can give us some VERY valuable insights into the operational nature of UFOs and suggest some methods for attracting them.

Several years before I moved to my current residence in New Jersey, USA a family living in our neighborhood had a most remarkable experience. One night shortly after sunset as many of the family members sat finishing their dinners in their kitchen, their meal was suddenly interrupted. Their kitchen windows faced due west and overlooked a large piece of property that extended back approximately 300 feet behind their main house. Although the sun had set about an hour or so earlier and it was then dark outside, the windows of their kitchen were suddenly lit up by an multitude of bright flashing lights. Suprised by what they initially though were the lights of an emegency vehicle that had somehow gotten into their yard, they all rose and rushed over to the windows to see what was going on.

What they saw, however, was not the light from any emergency vehicle. As they stared into the night, they observed what appeared to be a large disc shaped object that was hovering about fifty feet above the ground at the end of their yard. Around its rim were several rows of bright white lights that appeared to be "running" around the circumference of the object at its rim...somewhat like the illusion of motion one used to see produced by the flashing light bulbs on an old movie theater marquee. The lights on the object produced a sort of swirling pattern that they could not distinctly make out due to their almost blinding brightness. There were also several other stationary light sources on the object of other colors than white.

At the back of their yard, they had a 24 foot diameter, above ground swimming pool that had been closed up for the winter months. This meant that an opaque, "UV proof" plastic cover had been secured over the pool. This cover was held in place by about a dozen small metal weights that were attached by hooks to eyelets located in the circular edge of the cover that overlapped the pool wall. To keep rain and melting snow from pooling up on top of the cover inside the pool wall, a large inflatable float shaped like a sphere was placed under the cover at its center before the weights were attached. I think this float was kept in position at the center of the pool by a nylon cord attached to a small anchor weight.

The hovering object that the family observed that night apparently was quite curious about the pool that they owned because, of all of the locations in the large yard, it hovered exclusively over this pool. The object was only slightly larger than the pool and appeared to the witnesses to be about thirty of so feet in diameter. It was difficult for them to judge the height of the object due to its flashing light array, but one observer claimed that the unlit top appeared to be shiny as though it was made of polished metal.

As the object or UFO hovered over their pool, it emitted no sound or, at least, there was no sound that they could hear through their closed kitchen windows. The UFO did not actually hover in a fixed position, but gently swayed back and forth a few feet as it maintained its position above the pool. After less than a minute of this behavior, the UFO began to rise in a virtually cloudless sky and, within less than an additional minute, disappeared from view. All those in the kitchen were left awestruck as they tried to determine what it might have been. They all soon realized that it had to be "something from outer space" because of its unusual shape and rapid ascent into the sky.

Because of the location of the pool which placed it in a clearing that was surrounded by high trees, apparently none of this family's neighbors noticed its appearance. Because the witnesses were still awaiting desert and there apparently had been no damage, they chose not to summon the local police concerning the matter. The next day when it was light out, several older members of the family inspected the pool and the grounds immediately surrounding it and found no damage. Although they continued to talk about the incident for several days after its occurrence, it was eventually dismissed untll one of the family members related it to me several years later.

From studying the details of this case, it became apparent to me that the object was, most likely, of extraterrestrial origin and that it was attracted to and hovered over my neighbor's pool precisely because that pool, as observed by the visitor in the sky, appeared to be a landed saucer! We can imagine that the craft was flying along, perhaps at an altitude of thousands of feet. As it did this, it would be continuously scanning the ground beneath itself with various frequencies of electromagnetic radiation. It might have been observing ground objects via relected light, emitted infrared radiation, and by reflected microwave radiation. Then, one of the craft's sweeps suddenly came across the swimming pool!

In the dark sky, the pool would, via light ampliphication, have appeared as a perfect circle exactly 24 feet in diameter. Any heat it's contained water had absorbed from sitting in the sun with its dark brown plastic cover on all day would, for a while after dark, have been re-radiated as infrared radiation that the airborne craft would have detected. A sweep with the visitor's onboard microwave equipment would have produced a strong reflection. The brown UV proof plastic cover would have contained material to protect the plastic in it from the Sun's ultraviolet radiation. If this protective additive was metallic, then it would give a strong reflection at microwave frequencies.

Upon monitoring the swimming pool from the sky, the visiting UFO would have come to a dead stop and its crew would have wondered what they were seeing on the ground. They would, no doubt, have surmised that it was another craft, possibly like theirs, that might be in some sort of distress or even disabled. This disabled "craft" appeared to be landed in a clearing on a level ground surface. It was emitting infrared radiation and was warmer than its surroundings. This would indicate to the visitors that the ground object had some sort of heat emitting life support system. And, its strong microwave radiation emission indicated that the object was metallic.

It is also an interesting coincidence that approximately 150 feet from the swimming pool there are high voltage power lines that run along a set of railroad tracks. The airborne visitors might, upon noting this feature, have thought that the landed saucer was attempting to extract electrical power from the high voltage lines in an effort to restore their own craft's depleted energy reserves.

With all of this erroneous information, the real extraterrestrial visitors would have reached a single conclusion. They would have erroneously concluded that the swimming pool was a crippled craft from one of their neighboring spacefaring races in our region of the galaxy and that it and its crew were in need of immediate assistance. The urgency of this assistance would be all the more pressing due to the location of the "downed" saucer in a populated area. So with these thoughts in their minds, the crew of the true UFO decided to move in closer with the intention of rendering assistance.

However, upon a closer inspection, they must have realized their error and that they themselves were then at risk of detection due to their low altitude. So, to then attract as little attention to their craft as possible in our neighborhood, they decided to make a rapid ascent staight up into the night sky. Perhaps, they might have thought, no one had observed their craft or if anybody had it would only be a few witnesses whose testimony would be quickly dismissed by others.

This incident, I believe, provides us with a simple method for attracting UFOs. Mainly, it indicates that the crews of these extraterrestrial visitors are attracted to ground objects which, to them, appear to be out of place for our planet's level of technology. Thus, all that one needs to do in order to attract these craft is to make construct ground structures that will attract their attention as they scan the terrain below their craft during an overflight.

For example, if one had access to a large piece of property with a wide clearing or field on it, then one could construct an object which, from the sky, would appear to be a landed or even a crashed UFO. This option, however, is a rather difficult one to implement. To be as effective as possible, one would have to construct a disc shaped object that is 25 to 35 feet in diameter. It would have to have a radially symmetrical raised central dome. And, it would have to appear to be made from solid metal. The structure would also have to be weather resistant and structurally strong enough to withstand high wind gusts.

Possibly the same constructon techniques utilized in the construction of band stages could be utilized for the fake saucer described above. It could be constructed of plywood panels nailed to a raised wooden frame. The hemispherical central dome would be a challege to construct, however. Possibly, one could use some sort of inflated balloon for this feature. The entire upper surface of this large saucer shaped wooden structure would then be painted with aluminum paint to make it refective to various frequencies of electromagnetic radiation. Painting an inflatable central cupola, however, would pose additional construction problems as the paint's solvent might dissolve the rubber or plastic of the balloon. A large diameter (say, about 10 feet) silvery mylar plastic balloon would be one possible solution to this problem.

Obviously, such a project as described above would probably be beyond the financial means of the average ufologist interested in luring UFOs to a particular area so that they could be studied at close range. To remedy this, I have an alternative, low cost lure that might function just as well. Like the previous setup, this method creates a ground anomaly that can be easily detected by the crew of a UFO as it sweeps the ground over which it flies with various frequencies of electromagnetic radiation.

This alternative approach requires that the ufologist construct a set of eight low cost "reflectors" and arrange them in a flat field at the corners of a large octagon. The reflectors will be placed so that they enclose a large area that measures at least 100 feet between diametrically opposite reflectors in the array. The idea is that these reflectors will suggest to the pilot of an airborne UFO that they mark out a safe landing area for his craft to approach and touch down upon. In a sense, the octagon that the reflectors form is functionally similar to the earthly symbol of a circle with a large letter "H" contained in it that is used to indicate where a heliocopter may safely land. The earthly version intended for heliocopters is called a "helipad", so the ufologist will be constructing a "ufopad" for our extraterrestrial visitors!

These reflectors can be fabricated from a variety of materials and in various sizes, so I will therefore only give the most general specifications for them. The reader interested in undertaking their construction can then adapt the design to their own particular needs and materials.

To build each reflector, three isosceles triangles with an angle of EXACTLY 90 degrees between their sides of equal length must be cut out of some rigid material. The size of each isosceles triangle is not critical, but they should each have a base side (i.e., the side OPPOSITE to their interior 90 degree angle) of at least two feet in length. I recommend the use of thin plywood for these pieces. Next, the three triangular pieces that are cut out for each reflector must be brought together so that their apexes which contain the 90 degree angles are in contact. Then, the nearest sides of adjacent triangles are joined together. When these operations are completed, one will have a structure that looks somewhat like a four sided pyramid with one of its sides (the side shaped like an equilateral triangle) missing. This is the basic shape of each reflector.

However, there is still more work to be done. The person building these reflectors must figure out some way to attach the panels of each reflector to each other so that they do not come apart. Initially, one might just place duct tape along the three joined edges of the structure to temporarily hold everything in position. Then, one should add small metal 90 degree angle pieces along the three edges. These will be fastened to the panels with small screws. The idea is to produce a RIGID structure that can be oriented in any position while it maintains its shape.

Now, assuming that one has finished eight of the above constructions (which will require cutting out 24 triangular wooden panels!), then one is ready for the next phase in the construction of his eight reflectors.

Next, the corner, where each of the three panels that form a single reflector meet, must be cut off using a saw. This is repeated until all eight reflectors are missing their corners. It is only necessary to cut off a small piece from each reflector that is, perhaps, only a few inches in size. Finally, all eight reflectors are turned around so that their interior surfaces are facing upward and their sawed off corners are pointing downward. Once in this orientation, the interiors of all eight reflectors must be painted with an aluminum paint that dries to produce a bright shiny appearance.

Assuming that the fabrication of the eight reflectors is completed, it is time to deploy them to the area where one wishes to attract UFOs. Using some primitive surveying equipment consisting of strings and eight wooden pegs, one must mark off a large section of an open field so that the pegs are placed at the corners of a large octagon which, as was mention above, should be about 100 feet between opposite corners.

Each reflector is then placed at one of the pegged corners of the octagon layed out in the field. While it is possible to dig eight holes in the ground and simply lay each reflector into one of these holes, this is not the best way to position them. I recommend that some means be contrived to raise each reflector up off of the ground so that its cut off corner clears the ground by a least several inches. Perhaps eight plastic laundry baskets could be weighted with bricks at their bottoms and one reflector could then be set into the opening at the top of each basket and somehow secured to its circular rim.

If the researcher has been successful in the construction and placement of the above described eight reflectors, then he will have marked out the corners of a nearly perfect octagonal area of flat terrain. His reflectors will each present their aluminum interior surfaces to the sky and each will be able to withstand high winds and precipitation. By now, the reader may realize that the reason it was necessary to cut off one corner of each reflector was so that a hole is created in it to allow for the drainage of water from each reflector each time it rains.

From simple geometric optical theory, we find that when the above reflectors are made so as to have the angles between any two adjacent flat reflective surfaces in them exactly equal to 90 degrees, then these reflectors will be able to perform an interesting feat. They will be able to reflect a beam of electromagnetic radiation directed toward them from any outside source directly BACK to that source. The principle has been used on such things as the plastic reflectors found on automobiles and bicycles for nearly a century. In the case of the reflectors that have been built here, however, the purpose of their design is to reflect back any radiation that might be directed toward them from an airborne UFO directly back to that craft.

We can now imagine what thoughts will occur to the crew of a extraterrestrial craft that is overflying a field where the above reflectors have been set up. If they are sweeping the terrain below their moving UFO with microwave radiation of frequencies similar to those that we use in what we call "radar", then they will detect a strong return on whatever system they use to monitor the incoming reflections from the radiation their craft has emitted. Perhaps the alien equivalent of a radar scope will suddenly light up with a bright octagonal array of points that will immediately attract the operator's attention.

Startled by this anomalous return, the craft will instantly slow to a halt to further analyze the ground source of this return. Next, they might begin scanning the area of the reflector array for infrared radiation emission. Depending on the time of night, this scan will be negative, unless, of course, the researcher has added something to each reflector that will cause it to emit in the infrared region of the spectrum. One way to do this would be to place plastic bottles of water into each of the baskets that hold a reflector. Instead of bricks to anchor each basket, one could use plastic bottles such a old bleach bottles to hold water. Each bottle would have an adequate air space to allow for expansion of the water should it freeze and turn to ice. During the daylight hours, each bottle of water will heat up and then remain warm for several hours after nightfall. During these nightfall hours, the bottles will radiate infrared radiation that the UFO will be able to detect. Like the arrays microwave radiation reflection, the emitted infrared radiation have the pattern of the corners of a large octagon to further pique the interest of an extraterrestrial crew.

Perhaps, the crew will then send down an intense wide beam of white light to completely illuminate the area so that it can be visually observed by telescopic lenses. Again, this action will result in a bright reflection that will far outshine the surrounding ground. At this point, there will be no doubts in the crew's minds that they are looking at an array of reflectors specifically designed to draw the attention of aerial observers.

The crew might then decide to inspect the area enclosed within the reflectors to see what is so special about it. Of course, they will also have scanned the surrounding terrain and skies to make sure that it is not some sort of trap to disable or capture their craft. If the researcher is very lucky on the night that the UFO observes the array of reflectors, the craft might descend to quite a low altitude and, perhaps, even attempt a landing at the site so that they might examine the reflectors up close. Such a landing would leave very valuable trace evidence at the sight...perhaps even boot prints of beings from another world who set foot upon the ground to view the reflectors from only a few feet away!

Obviously, a scenario such as this would give the researcher a wonderful opportunity to observe these craft (and possibly their occupants) at fairly close range. However, if the close approach takes place in the middle of the night and the researcher is sound asleep, then it will be of only minimal value. The researcher must have some means of detecting the approach of a UFO at night and it must be a means that would be capable of waking a sleeping person in time to record the event.

Once awakened, the ufologist could then, from the comfort and safety of his own home, use a small wide field spotting telescope to locate the UFO as it hovered over his property. He would then switch over to the use of a tripod mounted camcorder which had a good "zoom" capability on it. Finally, using the camcorder, he would try to collect as many close up images of the visitor's craft as possible.

Most likely, shortly after inspecting the reflector array from the air, the UFO will promptly depart the scene. However, IF the property is located in a somewhat desolate area and there are not a lot of dwellings nearby, then, perhaps, an actual landing might take place. Should this occur, I would caution the ufologist NOT to attempt to approach the landed craft as this can pose definite health hazards.

If the ufonauts leave their vehicle and are disturbed as they examine the reflectors, they may use a radiation type weapon to paralyze anybody that approaches the craft. Even if they quickly climb back aboard the UFO and execute a hasty takeoff, a person at ground level within a certain distance of the departing craft might be exposed to biologically hazardous levels of electromagnetic radiation that could produce varying degrees of radiation poisoning such as severe skin inflamation or eye injuries. The risks in such a situation far outweigh any additional information that might be derived from a researcher attempting to force contact with extraterrestrial beings. There will be plenty of time later to examine the camcorder images and the landing site to extract meaningful data from them.

Finally, I want to give the design for a very simple to build UFO detector that was popular during the 1950's which have been nostalgically referred to by ufologists in the United States of America as the "Golden Era" of ufology. I saw this design illustrated in a '50's era UFO identification wall chart and mentioned in several books on the topic of UFOs. It apparently has the ability to detect an airborne craft up to a range of about a mile or so. It is ideal for the amateur because it only uses three easily obtained non-toxic components and is NOT electrically powered.

This homemade UFO detector only requires one to obtain the following items: a small ALNICO bar magnet, a piece of string, and a champagne glass. The magnet one uses should be about an inch to an inch and a half in length (note: these magnets are still used in the fabric hanging loops of some pot holders so they can be stuck to the steel surface of a refrigerator's exterior). Place the champagne glass in a location close to where one spends most of his nightly hours. Most likely, this location will be within a few feet of one's bed. The base of the glass should be secured to a stable surface and held down by adhesive tape or some other means so that it can not be tipped over. Next, tie the string to the middle of the bar magnet so that the magnet is balanced by the string and its longest axis remains horizontal. Finally, suspend the magnet by its string so that it remains stationary INSIDE the bowl of the glass WITHOUT touching any of its interior surfaces. The other end of the string must be secured to a stable point, such as the ceiling, so that one uses at least 3 feet of string.

Now, if one has successfully carried out the above steps in the construction of his UFO detector, then one may occasionally notice unique a phenomenon. Obviously, the bar magnet, upon being released, will immediately orient itself so that its north pole points toward the Earth's north pole (which, in reality, is actually a south MAGNETIC pole). Occasionally, when one brings a ferrous metallic object near the detector, the bar magnetic may deviate slightly from the direction in which it usually points. However, whenever UFOs are nearby, the magnet will begin to twist and turn very erratically. In fact, as a UFO draws closer to the location of the detector, the bar magnet will actually begin to spin about quite violently inside the champagne glass. At some point, the bar magnet will begin to strike against the inside surfaces of the glass and the detector will start to emit loud "tinkling" sounds. When these are heard, the UFO is quite close...within a mile of the detector!

The theory behind how this simple little device works is somewhat complicated, but I will give a explanation that is, at least, qualitatively accurate. Since all true UFOs must produce and emit anti-mass field radiation in order to negate their airborne masses and, thus, achieve masslessness, it is, most likely, the presence of SOME of this anti-mass field radiation at the location of the detector which causes it to react (the reader interested in more details on UFO propulsion should read the author's article titled "A UFO Propulsion Primer").

As the anti-mass field radiation from the nearby UFO reaches the magnetic field surrounding the bar magnet, that radiation interacts with the subatomic particles there which compose the magnet's magnetic field. This interaction changes the "character" of the anti-mass field radiation into a form which has a remarkable ability. It then has the ability to actually temporarily WEAKEN the attractive electrostatic forces that normally act between the nuclei and their electrons in the atmospheric atoms and molecules of the air that immediately surrounds the poles of the magnet where its magnetic field is the strongest. Thus, when a UFO's anti-mass field radiation enters the bowl of the champagne glass, a plasma or mixture of electrons and ionized atmospheric gas particles will form around the poles of the magnet.

Ordinarily, the small amount of plasma that forms is harmless and completely unnoticeable. However, in the presence of the strong magnetic fields surrounding the bar magnet's poles, an interesting effect occurs. The ionized air begins to swirl around the magnetic field lines that surround the bar magnet's poles and this leads to the formation of atmospheric VORTEXES at each pole. These vortexes, due to their movement and interactions with the surrounding air that is not in motion, apply an erratic torque to the bar magnet that makes it begin swinging and twisting about inside the champagne glass. As the UFO draws closer to the detector and the intensity of the anti-mass field radiation entering the bowl of the glass increases, the concentration of the plasma there will also increase. As this happens the forces applied to the bar magnet will increase. At some point the bar magnet will begin to strike against the inside of the glass bowl and sounds will be produced which are loud enough to alert the researcher to the proximity of an AIRBORNE and, thus, massless UFO.

As soon as the researcher is alerted by the sounds of the UFO detector's magnet hitting against the inside of the glass's bowl, he should immediately proceed to his spotting telescope and attempt to locate the UFO. If one does not have a spotting telescope, then the camcorder will have to be used as one. While in recording mode, slowly sweep the sky over the area of terrain on which the eight reflectors are located. The UFO may still be quite high in the sky when the detector sounds. Once the craft is found, the ufologist should try to zoom in slowly on it and maintain as much focus as possible. It is important that one use a tripod mounted camcorder. When doing extreme telephoto recording of images, the slightest hand tremor can make the recorded image bounce around violently when later viewed. Remember, this recording will be used to both verify the sighting AND provide scientific data about it. Every effort should be made to obtain evidence of the highest possible quality.

At this point the researcher's only role is to remain where he is and continue to record as much of the object as possible with as much magnification and focus as possible. Any attempt to approach a low hovering craft or otherwise draw its attention could result in losing valuable minutes of recorded images.

The above setup is probably the bare minimum necessary to attract and detect a genuine UFO. One can, depending upon one's budget and local support, embellish upon this simple system. For example, one could have neighbors who are also similarly equipped and with whom the lead researcher can remain in constant telephonic contact whenever their detectors become active. The advantage of a local research team is that, should a UFO approach the reflector array, it would then be possible for images of the craft to be captured from two or more separate vantage points. This type of synchronized image data collection is very powerful evidence of the authenticity of a sighting and can yield even more scientific information as to the size and shape of the UFO involved.

As a final note, one might wonder just how long one might have to wait before a UFO would "take the bait" and then stay around long enough to be recorded. This is extremely difficult to calculate.

Currently, there are about 100 REPORTED UFO sightings per day WORLDWIDE. Only about 10% are probably the real thing, so that would mean only ten UFOs per day fly through the skies of earth. But, if only 1 in 100 flights is actually ever reported, then that would raise the figure up to about 1000 genuine UFOs moving through our planet's atmosphere per day. Since the glow of a UFO is best seen at night, then about 500 will be active at night when they are more likely to remain stationary while hovering to investigate an anomalous ground object or feature. Since most of these UFOs will be over land, we can just roughly calculate that the 200 nations of Earth will each have a 500/200 chance of a UFO appearing over them on any night which means that each nation will have 2 to 3 UFOs flying through its night skies on any night.

If each of the UFOs can, at low altitude, scan from horizon to horizon, then it can probably sweep an area about 40 miles wide as it flies along. Thus, 2.5 UFOs would sweep an area of 120 miles wide as they flew along. Now the probability of one of these UFOs sweeping over a particular researcher's reflector array on any particular night will be approximately equal to the largest expanse of his country divided by 120 miles.

For example if one's country was, like the United States of America, about 3,000 miles wide, then there would be a 120 miles / 3000 miles chance of one of its nightly extraterrestrial visitors finding the reflector array. This works out to a 0.04 or 4% chance of attracting the UFO. We here in the United States, therefore, can only expect to be able to attract a UFO about once every 25 days or so (since 1 / 0.04 = 25). For a country that was a maximum of 1000 miles in expanse, there is a 120 miles / 1000 miles chance or a 0.12 or 12% chance of attracting a UFO on any given night. Researchers in that smaller country can expect to have a UFO notice their reflector array about once every 8 days (since 1 / 0.12 = 8)!

The important thing to remember is that one can never know exactly what night that his reflectors will be subject to inspection by a genuine UFO. Therefore, the serious researcher must be vigilant and keep his simple equipment in good operating condition. There is an old saying that is very true in this situation: "Success is what happens when preparation meets opportunity". One must also not become discouraged should a the UFO detector not sound precisely as frequently as calculations predict it should. Remember that these calculations are extrememly approximate. One may have calculated periods for an encounter wherein nothing happens that are then followed by periods wherein the frequency of UFO detector activations is twice or even triple what is expected.

In conclusion, the serious ufologist must stay ever vigilant and continue to study the literature of the phenomenon to enhance his awareness and knowledge of it...

(Note: this article completed December 4th, 2004)